Shark's Cove

Observe colorful sea creatures, elaborate corals and more.

With its beautiful blue water and bounteous sea life, Shark’s Cove has been lauded as one of the world’s best shore dives. Since 1983, the area has been protected as part of an 80-acre Marine Life Conservation District.

Snorkelers here can expect to see butterflyfish, turtles, and parrotfish--just for a start. Fantastic underwater rock formations and elaborate corals help make this location a must-see.

To snorkel Sharks Cove, navigate past the rocks and through the shallow areas you come to a drop-off.

Insiders advise wearing footwear as you make your entrance into the water as it is easy to lose balance while making your way through the rocks.

Beginners should avoid the area during the winter months due to the large, dangerous waves. You can park for free in front of the cove and follow the foot path from the beach park to access the reef.